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DCPA2129. Keynote: Digital CPA Update, The Great Accelerant

Erik Asgeirsson, president & CEO of, will be joined by special guests Elinor Litwack, Rohit Arora, Jennifer Wilson and William Pirolli to provide an environmental scan of today’s circumstances while exploring the new business models that have been ushered in from the pandemic. Along with speeding up the adoption of new technology, the events of the past two years accelerated the profession to a place that many experts predicted we wouldn’t reach for another half decade. Essentially, it hit fast-forward to deliver what we were on track to experience in 2025 – five years sooner.

Joined by innovative practitioners and subject matter experts, Erik will lead a discussion on how exponential change is advancing technologies faster than ever, forcing rapid integration and a higher reliance on the technology ecosystem that serves the profession.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify top accelerants and emerging technology trends
  • Understand the growing advisory service opportunity and how it’s impacting firm business models
  • Discuss practical strategies and best practices to stay ahead of a rapidly evolving curve
