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DCPA2402. Welcome & Announcements | Keynote: High Productivity but High Drama? A New Value Equation for the Modern Accounting Firm

Ever heard the statement, “They are absolutely amazing at their job, but very difficult to work with!” Or, “They are a technical genius in all they do, but everyone is scared to talk to them and they don’t transfer knowledge.” These statements are a plague to any organization and especially a modern accounting firm. For too many years, organizations have enabled a high amount of workplace drama in exchange for someone that is a high performer. Today’s organizations are calling for more teamwork in serving our clients. More willingness to be flexible and support each other. High drama can no longer be tolerated in exchange for high performance at work, it becomes too costly in the long run. So how do you start the conversation around drama in the workplace and especially the cost it has when a high-performer is creating it? This is where the New Employee Value Equation comes in that is outlined in this program. In this session, you will learn a ground-breaking new formula that outlines the true value that someone brings to the workplace and how to measure it accurately. This new metric goes beyond performance to include someone’s future potential in their career as well as their emotional expensiveness or drama quotient. Just as the clients we serve, there are revenues and expenses the value a worker adds to their firm is the same – what you add as far as your performance and potential and what you take away when it comes to your level of drama. This session will provide you a practical way to start that conversation and ensure that your top performers are also low drama at work.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the New Employee Value Equation metric and how it accurately measures someone’s current performance, future potential and drama level
  • A self-assessment tool to calculate the new value of each employee in your firm
  • Gain fluency in tangible tools and ideas to reduce drama in each member of your team
