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Image of Theresa Banka

Theresa Banka

Plante & Moran, PLLC
Theresa has 30+ years of experience in her practice specialization in the audits of employee benefit plans. She is Plante Moran's lead technical partner for the employee benefit plan practice that audits more than 1,500 benefit plans annually.

She maintains firsthand knowledge of developments in the profession and provides staff with interpretations and explanatory material on new professional pronouncements as they relate to benefit plan financial statements. She is for a member of the Plante Moran team that performs firm-wide pre-issuance quality control reviews on employee benefit plan financial statements.

Theresa is on the AICPA Employee Benefit Plans Conference Planning Committee and former member of the AICPA's Employee Benefit Plan Expert Panel. Theresa is a frequent speaker at state and national conferences. She is a Spartan, holding a BA and MBA from Michigan State University. Go Green!